Meetings planned:-
1.30pm - 3.30pm - social meeting at Notcutts Garden Centre, Daniels Road, Norwich, NR4 6QP. This is an informal meeting as it takes place in a cafe. We put a sign on the tables to show where we are sitting to help people coming along for the first time to find us. Please feel free to bring someone (eg. a relative, friend or carer) with you.
Tuesday, 21st February 2023
Tuesday, 21st March 2023
Friday, 14th April 2023 - AGM at the Costessey Centre, Costessey Town Council, Longwater Lane, Costessey, Norwich, NR8 5AH at 1.30pm
Tuesday, 18th April 2023
Tuesday, 16th May 2023
Tuesday, 20th June 2023
Tuesday, 18th July 2023
Tuesday, 15th August 2023
Tuesday, 19th September 2023
Tuesday, 17th October 2023
Tuesday 21st November 2023
Tuesday, 19th December 2023
We aim to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the cafe at Notcutts Garden Centre, Daniels Road, Norwich, NR4 6QP.
1.30pm - 3.30pm - social meeting at Notcutts Garden Centre, Daniels Road, Norwich, NR4 6QP. This is an informal meeting as it takes place in a cafe. We put a sign on the tables to show where we are sitting to help people coming along for the first time to find us. Please feel free to bring someone (eg. a relative, friend or carer) with you.
Tuesday, 21st February 2023
Tuesday, 21st March 2023
Friday, 14th April 2023 - AGM at the Costessey Centre, Costessey Town Council, Longwater Lane, Costessey, Norwich, NR8 5AH at 1.30pm
Tuesday, 18th April 2023
Tuesday, 16th May 2023
Tuesday, 20th June 2023
Tuesday, 18th July 2023
Tuesday, 15th August 2023
Tuesday, 19th September 2023
Tuesday, 17th October 2023
Tuesday 21st November 2023
Tuesday, 19th December 2023
We aim to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the cafe at Notcutts Garden Centre, Daniels Road, Norwich, NR4 6QP.